Wednesday, March 9, 2011


In the entire Charlie Sheen saga that's been playing out over the past several weeks we really are seeing what is wrong with this country. Charlie Sheen is a drug-crazed drunk who is in the process of destroying his live while bringing down several around him. He deserves no more than a curious glance, yet he is basically the number one story in our media.
We have:
  • Democrats and Republicans playing grabass with each other in Washington while refusing to launch any serious attack on our spending deficit and our national debt.
  • A New York Congressman is under fire because he dares to hold hearings on the radicalization of Islamic youth in the United States.
  • NPR executive Ron Shiller is caught on tape saying that the Republican Party believes basically in a white, Christian, gun-toting America ... all the while being paid in part by taxpayer dollars.
  • Teacher's unions are fighting back at any public official who dares to question their power .. .and the head of one teacher's unions is saying that the solution to our education problems is to just let the teacher's unions handle the teachers and everyone else should just back off.
  • Gas is costing $4.00 a gallon while The Community Organizer rejects any attempts to increase exploration for oil in our country and off our shores.
  • The quality of American education continues to decline while we continue to spend more and more on the useless Department of Education
  • We're getting more details on how Obama and his sycophants cooked the books on ObamaCare to convince us that his scheme would reduce our deficit. It won't. It will increase it.
I could go on with this list for pages ... but I have some interviews to do with some of my affiliates, but you get the point. There are things going on out there that will actually have some effect on your lives - not to mention the future of your children; but America is absorbed by the meltdown of a Hollywood slob that will have no effect on anyone outside of his rancid little circle.
They say that people generally get the type of government they deserve. Sure looks like that's true. 

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