Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tweeting hooters

Now they have a bra that tweets.
According to a report in Times of India, there’s a bra that sends a tweet every time it’s unclasped. It only tweets in Greek, though. Which, I assume, means the guy undoing the bra from its wearer is looking directly at the clasp. (Some of you will get that. The rest of you, don’t worry about it.) But enough of that.
I suppose it’s for a good cause. It’s to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And, if letting the world know your boobies have been unleashed increases Breast Cancer Awareness, then, yeah.
I have a feeling, though, that it won’t be long before this technology is used for less worthwhile causes. Like promoting Obamacare.
For instance, every time a body bag is zipped up, the Obamacare Twitter account tweets that the Death Panels have scored another win.
Until that day — and it’s probably not that far off — we’re content with Greek Boobie Tweets.
Its all we have before we all go tits up.

Some Statements More Accurate Than the “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It” Lie

So, the “If you like your plan, you can keep it” statement is perhaps one of the biggest lies in the history of presidents. Yes, Obama could have been a complete and utter incompetent moron who had no idea how his policies would affect, but the evidence points to him being a scumbag liar. Jay Carney is trying to say that the people who are losing the plans they like should be happy because now they’re being forced to buy more expensive plans with extra coverage they didn’t want, but those aren’t the only people affected. My wife and I lost the health care plan we really liked because it was too good and would eventually be subject to the “Cadillac” tax, so my company dropped it (yeah, this time it’s personal, Obama!).
Anyway, Obama is never going to admit he outright lied to the American people — because, you know, he’s a liar and that would be telling the truth, but I decided to offer some suggestions for more accurate statements he can use in the future.
“If you like your plan, you can keep a memento of it to remember it by.”
“If you like your plan, you can keep it… unless we decided you shouldn’t like your plan and you should want a more expensive one.”
“If you like your plan, then you have to pay a fine.”
“If you like your plan, hold on to that feeling because you’ll need that knowledge that once upon a time all was well in this world to get your through the dark times ahead.”
“If you like your plan, well, too bad; you’re a middle class tax payer and your fate could not be of less interest to the president.”
“If you like your plan so much, then why don’t you marry it?”
“If you like your plan, stop thinking of yourself and instead think of all the poor Americans out there who don’t have health insurance and how we’re going to fine them for that.”
“If you like your plan, then please don’t take it personally when your blundering, incompetent government crushes it.”
“If you like your plan, we’re sorry it’s going away but this is the first Obama’s heard about it so don’t blame him; he never has any idea what’s going on.”
“If you like your plan, still consider setting aside three to five days to navigate Healthcare.gov and compare it to the other plans available.”
“If you like your plan, then this will be much more painful for you.”

Monday, October 28, 2013


Mitt Romney is an honorable man. And not just in the Marc Antony/Julius Caesar/Shakespearean kind of way. Mitt is a really good guy! He's a very moral man, by all accounts a very generous man, when it comes to acts of personal charity. True, he was slimed during the election as being a cruel and cold hearted individual, who caused a woman to die of cancer, by firing her husband (from a company he no longer controlled), thus depriving her of her insurance. But, consider the source. The folks telling you that Mitt was killing cancer patients were the same guys telling you, if you like your doctor, you can keep him!

Mitt was the standard bearer (Or was that standard bear?) for the Republican party in 2012 against Barack Hussein Obama. Although Mitt was not my first choice, once he had secured the nomination, I supported him over that skinny kid who lied and told you you could keep your health insurance if you like it. And to this day, I believe Mitt would have been a much better president than BHO. However, you've got to admit that that is a pretty low bar!

I know it's a long way until the next presidential election, but that doesn't mean that the plotting, the planning, the scheming has taken a holiday. Some presidential aspirants are trying to get close to Mitt to see if they can tap into the donors from his last campaign. A few misguided souls think he should run again, hence, Facebook page Mitt Romney for President 2016. Granted, the numbers are small. The page has 418 "likes", which is more than I have, but then, I'm not running for president of a country of 300 million people.

Also granted that Romney got more votes than McCain did. McCain ran against Blank Slate, Hopey Changey Obama, whereas Romney ran against the four year track record of an abysmal failure of a president and still placed second. This was after his first run in 2008, putting together an organization, developing and discovering fund raisers and learning what worked in a campaign and what didn't.

Among those 418 Facebookians, there may even be some who opine that, given how much closer he came in 2012, had Romney been our nominee in 2008, he would have won! And if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their bottoms so hard when they jump! In 2008, Obama was still the human Rorschach test, as George Will called him, and would have beaten Romney like a rented mule. After two shots at the brass ring, Romney may be an invaluable help on the organizational side, but, between his baggage and his tepid, hesitant embrace of conservatism, Romney is far from the role model we want for 2016.

As I said, there is time. The midterms may shed some light on an emerging leader. Conservatives also need to take control of the primary process, so that our opponents are not quite so instrumental in choosing our candidates for us. We also need to encourage the vanity candidates to bow out early, so that debates can be focused and substantive, and, incidentally, not moderated by liberals pretending not to be partisan.

If Romney, nice guy that he is, tries to revive his candidacy, he should be politely thanked, but...no. Romney III will never get off the ground and will only serve as a distraction from our eventual nominee, no matter how well intended Mr. Romney might be in running again.

This ain't bean bag. The Republic may not survive another disastrous regime like the one we have now.

*You didn't want him to be president in 2008. You didn't want him (in sufficient numbers) to be president in 2012. Third time is not the charm. Mitt? Buy your wife another horse!

I’m a RINO

It’s time for me to come clean. I’m a RINO.
That terrible label that’s been attached to the squishes that always give in and don’t hold true conservative beliefs? R-I-N-O? “Republican In Name Only?”
I think I’m actually the RINO.
I say that because I’m finding more and more that the Republicans aren’t the conservatives. Being a conservative and aligning yourself with a Republican doesn’t make Republicans conservative. It just means you’re aligning with the least liberal, least horrible of the viable options.
I don’t really want to take up the label “RINO” because of what it has represented. But, the reality is, the Republican Party isn’t a bunch of conservatives. But, a bunch of conservatives vote for the Republicans.
We got two options: take over the Republican Party, or form our own party.
The problem is, we’re so independent, it’s hard to get together and all work the same. For instance, some conservatives have varying issues on religion. Some are atheist. Some are agnostic. Some are Catholic. Some are Baptist. Some are Jewish. Some are one of any other number of variations on Christianity, Judaism, as well as other faiths (and lack of faiths).
That, in turn, leads to varying beliefs on issues like homosexuality. I believe it’s contrary to Scripture, and, therefore, a sin. But, I’m not one to yell in my homosexual friends’ and family members’ faces, saying they’re going to hell. I don’t think they are, but I think homosexuality is a sin. However, some disagree strongly with me about it, saying there’s nothing wrong with it. Others disagree the other way, saying I should be getting all up in their faces. And, others disagree in varying degrees one way or another.
I’ll stop there, but it shows how on those two issues, conservatives can’t agree on one common response. If we try to form our own party, effectively splitting from the GOP, we’ll splinter even further into varying forms of conservatism. Kinda like what happens when a Baptist church splits. A town starts with one and suddenly, there’s Baptist churches everywhere. Not always because they’re setting up missions that turn into full-fledged churches, but usually because somebody doesn’t like the new carpet (great Aunt Gladys bought the old carpet), or the preacher’s tie is too wide, or the organist shops at the wrong store, or something equally silly.
I think there’s a party in place that we can take back. Goldwater put the seeds in place in ’64. Reagan took control in ’80. In the intervening time, we lost it. Whether its because those we put in office start playing the game of staying in power rather than doing the will of the people, or its because they were slimy weasels to begin with, the Republican Party isn’t run by conservatives. We get lip service. And not the good kind.
I may actually be one of the ones who are Republican In Name Only. Because I’m actually a conservative.
We need good, young, strong, principled conservatives running for office and leading the party. Instead of a bunch of weasels who are just enjoying the Party at our expense.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where Would We Be...If?

If someone set out to invent a person with all the naive ineptitude of Gomer Pyle and elevated him from Private to the rank of Commandant Of The Marine Corps, with all the power that position commands…no, wait….  

If they combined the masterpiece of naiveté and stupidity that is Gomer Pyle with the malevolent narcissism of Charles Manson, and threw in the overinflated self image of a Paris Hilton, added a couple of ghost written books, hid all traces of his background and nonexistent achievements, and presented him to an electorate populated with enough stupefied PC driven voters…no, wait… 

If they provided him with a compliant media, access to unlimited funds, and a teleprompter, and surrounded him with people adept at misdirection and expert at invoking the magic "race card", what might they get?
If they placed that person in full control of the most powerful nation on earth and gave him the sole authority to direct that nation's military, it's foreign policy, economy, education system, charged him with protecting that nation's sovereignty, gave him the right to form policies that would affect the lives of every citizen of that country, and allowed him to create laws out of thin air with the wave of his hand, what sort of outcome would they expect?

And suppose that, once elected, that person proceeded from day one to make a mockery of the Office of the Presidency, the highest office in the land, and of the oath he took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, alienate our allies, and singlehandedly create the most deadly environment in the middle East that has ever existed.  If someone supported his election, on what grounds would they object?

And suppose further, that the Congress of the United States, 535 people had for decades, with few exceptions, been playing a game with the American people right under our noses, designed to protect not the people's rights, but their own power and privilege?  What if they were now so compromised, and so addicted to their own elite status, that they were unable and unwilling to take steps to remedy the situation?

Where would we be, as a nation, if all that happened?

Where indeed.  One specific result would be Obama's "signature achievement", the unfixable mess that is Obamacare.  It is a predictable result of all this stupidity, narcissism and hubris.  Anyone who supports this administration and its goals can consider themself personally responsible for this travesty.  They own it.  History will remember it as the single worst piece of nonsense ever to be forced on a free people.  The government, by forcing us to enter a contract to buy a product whether we want it or not,  has set itself against the sovereign people of this nation, and behaves not as our servant, but our master. 

If you bothered to read this far, it's not likely that you have been a party to any of the above.  Regardless, if what we are witnessing continues unchecked, it will all ultimately lead to a personal, unavoidable fork in the road.  We will all find ourselves confronting a stark choice:  Submit, or fight.

For most of us, the choice has always been perfectly clear.

Anyone who supports this man, even now, has made a grave mistake, for which all of our progeny will suffer.  If they haven't figured it out by now, it's not likely that they ever will, and the same stupidity that governs their choices now will lead them to a second mistake.

The second greatest mistake they will ever make is believing that the calmness they presently see from the rest of us is a sign of weakness or lack of resolve.  

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

This Makes Me ANGRY

I'm sorry. I'm not usually like this.

But you have GOT to be kidding me.

A 15-year-old girl is walking home with her mother when a group of ten boys approach them and a disagreement ensues. The boy grabs the girls shirt and the girl attempts to push him away. The mother steps away from the group and fires her legally owned gun into the air.

Guess who got arrested??


Because (according to the police officer): “You can’t fire into the air.”  “Once something goes up, it comes down. There’s the possibility of causing property damage, injuring someone or killing someone. In an apartment complex, the odds of that bullet coming down and striking something are very high.”

Yeah. That's true. A falling bullet can be dangerous.

It may ding somebody's car or something.

Her daughter was being attacked.

What is the purpose of guns again?

Oh yeah. They're for shooting skeet at Camp David.

The officer also said she “should have called police instead of taking matters into her own hands.”

And let her daughter get beat to death while they waited?

This is supposed to be a humorous blog.

Is this a JOKE???
P.S.: I looked it up. The likelihood you'll suffer an accidental injury from a firearm discharge in your lifetime is just short of 1 in 6,000.

P.P.S. I also learned that the chance of dying from any unintentional cause in your lifetime are about 1 in 31. So 30 out of 31 people die intentionally? Huh.

P.P.P.S. If you want to learn more about this, the National Safety Council (NSC) has a STORE. Huh!

The things I wish I never learned.


John Kerry Reporting for Duty in the Middle East

With John Kerry at the helm during the current negotiations, I expect peace in the Middle East will be achieved any day now.  As usual, my man in State has leaked me some of the inner machinations that are going on.  Here are some of the inevitable back door agreements that have worked their way into the proposed agreement.
  • The acceptance of the one-state solution in which the entire Middle East and most of the American Midwest is given to Iran (Don’t worry, the Jews still get to run the rest of America)
  • In exchange for the US taking a hands-off approach in Syria, Putin will stop intimidating Obama by texting him shirtless selfies
  • Barney Frank will be turned over to the Ayatollah for ‘questioning’
  • All Israelis who wish to remain in the one state will be granted the religious liberty to choose either Shia or Sunni or stoning
  • Bashar al Assad will get three free visits from Denis Rodman
  • Miley Cyrus will be turned over to the Ayatollah for ‘burka fitting’
  • Mossad hackers will stop causing all those glitches in the Obamacare website
  • Iran has agreed to use non-greenhouse gases in their extermination chambers
  • The Israeli lobby will stop resisting Mel Gibson’s plans to produce the broadway musical version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
  • Putin will be given a championship ring from each Superbowl to round out his collection if he agrees to return Biden’s collection of round, shiny objects and Obama’s deck of race cards
  • Justin Beiber will be turned over to the Ayatollah for ‘some good old-fashioned bitch slapping’
  • Iran will only enrich its uranium in eco-friendly centrifuges that have the Energy Star seal of approval
  • Jimmy Carter will be given full Iranian citizenship and be allowed to personally oversee the historical tours celebrating the Iran Hostage Crisis and Operation Eagle Claw
  • In order to prevent the potential for radioactive fallout and nuclear winter, Iran will agree to use it nuclear weapons only in cases where their demands aren’t met
  • The UN will issue an official ‘corrected’ translation of the Old Testament that clearly indicates that the real location of the children of Israel’s promised land is Dearborn, Michigan

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Obamacare Website is Like a Box of Chocolates…..

I’ve been trying to access the Obamacare website, and it’s actually been kind of entertaining.  You never know what you are gonna get.  Here are some of the things I encountered while trying to apply on the website:
  • I’m not sure, but I think I ended up with reservations at Motel 6
  • I had to pay 15% more for my car insurance
  • I happened upon some inappropriate selfies of Kathleen Sibelius
  • A live feed opened up that allowed me to spy on the NSA
  • The internet filters at work blocked the site claiming it was perceived as a DNS attack
  • It reset all the passwords on my computer, forced the default browser to Internet Explorer and changed my homepage to Amazon’s listing for The Audacity of Hope
  • I ended up at this bizarre page where I was told I had been selected to be enrolled in the special Logan’s Run plan
  • For some reason, it wouldn’t accept my application until I entered in my credit card, bank and eTrade account numbers and passwords
  • When I tried the Spanish site, the first thing it did was offer me a complimentary social security number, birth certificate and driver’s license
  • It offered me a subsidy if I agreed to be something referred to as a ‘Congressional living organ donor’
  • Whenever the website stalled, a window would pop up saying, “The website is experiencing difficulties because it is Bush’s fault you stupid racist.”

Monday, October 21, 2013

Epic Rant Pt.1

            I’ll wait a bit in this Epic Rant before I really say anything mildly controversial.  For instance, I’m not going to get into this birth certificate thing.  At one point I was pretty much convinced that Obama was born in Hawaii and was, therefore, eligible to serve as president.  Now, after watching this man openly and blatantly lie and work so hard to hide the truth from the American people (Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS), I’m not as sure as I once was.   So … for now I’ll just leave the birth certificate stuff along.  It’s enough to say that Barack 0bama presents the greatest threat to the survival of our Republic since the War Between the States,[1] regardless of where he was born.
Simply put, Obama was the least-qualified man ever to be elected to President of the United States.  His is not a lifetime of notable accomplishments.  Maybe that’s why he has gone to such great lengths to maintain the privacy of his college records.  Editor of the Harvard Law Review?  To my knowledge Obama is the first such editor to occupy that post without ever writing one law review article.  Now just why do you think that happened?  Could it possibly be that it was more political correctness than recognition of accomplishment at work?  Sort of like that Nobel Peace Prize he won.
I particularly like these Obama myrmidons who like to remind us that he was a Constitutional Law professor.  Uhhhhhh … not really.  He was a lecturer and a senior lecturer for most of his tenure at the University of Chicago Law School.  Only by stretching the definition could you call a lecturer a “Constitutional Law Professor.”  Even then, most of the courses he taught centered on civil rights and the Constitution.
Even Obama’s elections to public office showed no great crowd-pleasing electoral achievement.  Right up to the presidential election of 2008 0bama pretty much won every electoral contest by using lawyers and operatives to dig up dirt on his opponents until they were forced to withdraw.                  
Here, in a nutshell, is what I think about 0bama’s American pedigree.  This, to me, is our 44th president:  Obama was born to a Kenyan male and an American woman who despised America.  In his father’s absence he was raised by a mother who, as I said, harbored a deeply felt animosity toward our country.  Obama’s father was a dedicated Communist, as was his mother.  After his mother’s marriage to Obama went south 0bama’s mother met and then married a man named Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo and moved to Indonesia with her son.  At this point 0bama had spent almost no time living in the United States except (possibly) for a short period of time in Hawaii.  0bama’s mother, not being a fan of American capitalism, eventually became disgusted with her husband’s Soetoro’s associations with American businessmen.  She soon decided that her son, Barack, needed to be shielded from the increasingly pro-American attitude of her husband.  So, to keep her son from hearing favorable comments about the evil American capitalist system, she shipped him off to Hawaii to live with maternal grandparents; two people who shared quite a bit of the animosity toward America held by Barack’s mother.
OK .. now let’s deal with Hawaii.  Yes, it’s a state, but it’s a state like no other.  You need to get over this idea that being born and raised in Hawaii makes you anything like someone born and raised in Michigan, Florida, California … even Alaska.
.     My point here, and one you should be aware of as you consider Barack Obama, is my experience has taught me that Hawaiians were then -- and they are now -- Hawaiians first and Americans second.  Many native Hawaiians consider the United States to be essentially a conquering power, a colonial power.  This past summer, as I traveled away from the Maui resort area and back into areas inhabited by natives, I noticed quite a few signs of anti-national fervor.  There were hand painted signs on less-traveled roads proclaiming your entry into, as I remember, Hawaiian federation territory or the Republic of Hawaii.  There were far more Hawaiian and native flags flying than there were American flags.  In fact, I cannot remember one single American flag except those I saw flying at resort hotels and on government property.  Now I’m not trying to be negative toward the Hawaiian people.  I love the place (will probably make another visit within the next few months) and I love the people.  They’re really lovely and as friendly as any I’ve met anywhere. But they are, as I said, Hawaiians FIRST.
Think about this:
  • Hawaii is the only state with its own native language.
  • Hawaii is the only state with its own alphabet (12 letters, by the way, or 13 if you count the apostrophe).
  • Hawaii is the only state that once had a King and a Queen
0bama was a student at Punahou School in Honolulu.  Coincidentally, my sister taught there … very possibly at the same time Barry (Barack) was a student.  I can tell you that at Punahou 0bama was not taught how great it is to be an American.  He was not taught any more than a quick gloss-over of American History.  He was not taught the geography of the United States (57 States?)  Instead he was taught, as his mother and grandparents would want, that America was a colonialist and oppressive power that had been more of a negative than a positive influence on Hawaii.
Are you getting the picture here?  Hawaii, 0bama’s likely birthplace and the state where he grew into young adulthood, is unlike any other state, and growing up in Hawaii is nothing like growing up in any of the other 49.  Are you eligible to run for President of the United States?  Yes.  Do you have the same cultural and educational background as pretty much any citizen educated in the lower 48?  No.  Not even close.  On paper, Obama is an American.  In his mind when he came to California in 1979 to attend college at Occidental, he was pretty much a foreign student,[3] a foreign student with a lifelong resentment toward the country he would one day “lead.”
So .. recap.  0bama’s father despised America as a colonialist power, not unlike the United Kingdom which colonized his father’s Kenyan homeland.  Obama’s mother and her parents felt the same way.  Obama grew up in two cultures, Indonesia and the post-war Hawaii, that pretty much resented America.  This is why I have repeatedly said that when 0bama first arrived on the American mainland in 1979 it was, for all practical purposes, the first time 0bama had experienced life in the United States.  And just what was that experience?  He started life in America as a freshman at a liberal arts college in California for two years.  His social life at Occidental, by his own admission, centered around Marxist student groups and Communist professors.  Don’t believe me?  Read his books.
After two years at Occidental Obama transferred to Columbia in New York, arguably one of the most anti-American left-wing colleges in the country.  Columbia, you might recall, actually hired, as an adjunct professor, a far left radical named Kathy Boudin.  Does the name ring a bell?  Boudin was convicted in 1984 for felony murder for her role, as a member of the Weather Underground, in the robbery of a Brinks armored truck in 1981.  Two police officers and a security guard were murdered in that robbery.  Boudin was released from prison in 2003 and is now at Columbia, Obama’s alma mater.  I bring Kathy Boudin to your attention to give you an idea of the type of undergraduate education Obama received.[4]
So we now have a president who had never, right up until he came to the mainland as a college student, celebrated Independence Day or, for all we know, recited the Pledge of Allegiance.  0bama simply did not grow up as a typical American child … baseball, apple pie and Chevys.  America was every bit as strange and foreign to 0bama in 1979 as it would have been to any immigrant from Indonesia or Kenya, save for the miniscule influences of six or seven years in Hawaii.
And just who was 0bama when he arrived at Occidental college in 1979?  According to some who encountered him during those years – fellow students who hung around with 0bama and his circle – 0bama was a self-proclaimed Marxist dedicated to the cause of a violent overthrow of the government of the United States and putting a Marxist government in its place.  One such fellow student, John C. Drew[5], was, like Obama, also a dedicated Marxist.  There was one difference.  Drew had been raised in America, unlike 0bama, and knew that the American people would simply not participate in a violent Marxist revolution.  If America was to become a communist worker’s paradise he convinced the young Obama it would have to be done politically.
Here’s something I wish would really sink in with most Americans.  First – you do know that Obama really never held a job – pretty much in his entire life – before he decided to enter the political arena.  OK .. there was that six months he spent as some sort of financial analysis in the private sector … so there’s your job history.  Most high school graduates in this country not only have more private sector work experience than Obama, but they know more about our Constitution than 0bama did at the time he was supposedly teaching it.
Now … here, really, is a nifty little fact I want to sink in here. When most politicians decide to announce that they’re going to enter the political fray, they’re very careful to chose a place to make that announcement that will give them the most political bang for their buck.  They will chose a venue that in some way demonstrates or fortifies their own particular political and philosophical personality.  Maybe they’ll be standing in front of a group of veterans at the local VFW, or in front of some police officers at the FOP headquarters.  Maybe they’ll stand in front of a local school to emphasize their dedication to education. So where did 0bama chose to make his coming-out speech?  He chose the living room of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  He chose the living room of two convicted anti-American Marxist terrorists.  He chose the living room of someone who actually bombed government sites in Washington DC.  By choosing that location for his announcement he was telling the State of Illinois just what he was and what he believed.  It didn’t matter, though, because the constituency he was romancing felt pretty much the same way about this country that he did.  He even enrolled in a church with a rabidly anti-American pastor (you remember Jeremiah Wright, don’t you?) to give him the credibility he needed with the voters whose support he sought.
0bama choosing the living room of a convicted anti-American terrorist to announce his entry into politics would be much the same thing as a white Southern candidate making his announcement at a KKK rally.  0bama, though, got away with it because, as a black candidate, he was pretty much untouchable. You don’t want to question or criticize Obama … that would be raaaaaacist!
So .. here we are.  We now have a president who has actually admitted that he would be more than happy to honor his oath and promise to “faithfully execute” the laws of the United States .. if only the Republicans would pass the laws he wants and get rid of the ones he doesn’t want.  But … since those evil Republicans won’t cooperate, he’ll just have to go ahead and do what he wants without the participation of the legislative branch.  These are the actions of a despot .. the actions of a tyrant, a thug.  The actions of someone dedicated to the destruction of American capitalism and the imposition of a government mandated and controlled economy in its place.
There … feel good about the future of our country now?  Well, you shouldn’t.

(To be continued …. Pester me until I write some more!)
[1] I don’t use the term “civil war” to describe this episode because it is factually incorrect.  A civil war is a battle between two factions to gain control of the government.  The South was not trying to gain control of the United States government.  The Confederacy was trying to secede and establish its own government.  Hence “War Between the States.”
[2] Do you find it rather odd that we still, 70 years after that attack, refer to it as the “Japanese (Sneak) attack on Pearl Harbor,” but we don’t use the word “Muslim” or “Islamic” when we refer to the attacks on New York and Washington DC on 9/11?
[3] Yes … I’ve familiar with the charge that Obama applied to Occidental as a foreign student and was accepted on that basis.  For some reason the records that would establish this one way or the other haven’t been made available.
[4] I would also remind you that a huge percentage, perhaps a majority, of our most prominent American journalists went to the Columbia School of Journalism.  You wonder where the leftist slant comes from?  Well there you go!
[5] Dr. John C. Drew is now a political scientist and spends a good deal of his time trying to warn the people of American about Obama.

If Bill Clinton Had Been President on 9-11-2001

 Some years back, there were stories floating around, that either Bill Clinton, or some person or persons in his administration were jealous of George Bush, for the admiration and adulation garnered, for his leadership during and after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Well, they couldn't go that far, so they hinted that they were "disappointed" that nothing like 9/11 happened to Bill Clinton while he was in office, as if the only difference between Clinton and Bush was which years they served. A person might rush into a burning building to save a child, while others might only stand by and stare in horror. It is not the situation that creates a hero, the situation reveals them.

Aside from the mildly ghoulish and creepy idea that anyone would want three thousand people to die so that someone could demonstrate what a great and competent leader Clinton was, I figured at the time, that this was probably just a clumsy and backhanded way to assert that Clinton was every bit the leader that W was, and more, only he did not have a similar circumstance to demonstrate it.

Let me make it clear, that I am not saying that Clinton ever said or asserted this himself. Certainly not publicly. He might have shared some small regret with a friend or staffer, who may have taken a chance or offhanded remark out of context, and a rumor was born. Maybe not. Either way, no one paid it that much attention at the time, because a) it sounded vaguely like sour grapes, and b) no one seriously would wish a catastrophe and tragedy of this magnitude would occur, simply so that a politician could showcase his marvelous leadership skills. In other words, no one in their right mind would have "9/11 envy". But, in light of recent events, and the actions of our current president, a slightly different perspective and interpretation of that rumored envy occurred to me.

Many people rightly mark 9/11 as taking a significant role in the erosion of liberties we took very much for granted in the country on 9/10. The creation of the TSA, with its invasive searches and scans, with the possible extension and expansion to rail and highway travel, the NSA recording cell phone data and scanning your emails without warrants or even suspicions, the proliferation of security cameras, the roving and stationary scanning by law enforcement of hundreds of thousands of license plates, with the data all being stored for future reference, all ostensibly to protect us from terrorists.

Since 9/11 we have seen more and more government intrusion into our lives. But, what if someone of the "Never let a good crisis go to waste" mentality, was of the opinion that government did not go far enough in intruding upon the lives of its citizens (and a Clinton administration might have done more)? Witness the control freak mentality associated with the current (and partial) government shut down. An attempt to control each and every person, and every activity that takes place on every federal property, large and small, without exception. (Perhaps "AR stands for "Anal Retentive", and the "AR-15" that everyone fears so much is merely Obama, his Attorney General and twelve assorted cabinet members, Supreme Court justices and czars?)


* Attempts to keep people from open air memorials

* Shutting down restaurants, inns and other businesses not supported by government funds.

* Removing handles to water fountains adjacent to running trails

* Coning off scenic overlooks to try to keep people from even gazing upon federal lands

* Closing access to cemeteries both at home and abroad

The list goes on and on. The amount of control that the government is trying to exercise over it's citizens on public lands is unprecedented. Clinton never tried to ban visits from the Lincoln Memorial just because there was a squabble over government funding. (Another reason to believe it was someone in his administration and not Clinton himself with 9/11 envy). Clinton, by the way, for all his flaws, is starting to look more like a 'philosopher king' by comparison to Barack Obama, even to Republicans.

"Never let a crisis go to waste". Did the clean water crisis allow the government to seize control of how large your toilet tank is? Did the "global warming" hoax determine whether the government could ban the ubiquitous Edison incandescent bulb in favor of some mercury filled haz-mat opportunities? There's talk of letting utility companies control your thermostats through Smart Meter networks, (once Obama's EPA has shuttered enough coal fired plants). Name me a single item in your home that is not regulated by the federal government? I understand that there is even a regulation as to the size of the holes in your Swiss cheese, and that, if those standards are not met, the producer cannot call it Swiss cheese, even though all the ingredients are identical. (Of course, the holes are produced by C02, so the EPA would have gained control of your cheese one way or another!)

If Bill Clinton had been president when 9/11 happened, would he have been as good or better than Bush? There's no evidence of that that I have seen. Bill handled the first World Trade Center bombing as a criminal matter and, via the court system, our intelligence gathering capabilities were damaged. There's no evidence that he would not have taken the same approach to the 9/11 bombing. The same goes for his globally baked acolyte Al Gore.

If the apocryphal story of Clinton administration's 9/11 envy is true, it may have come from sour grapes, or a misguided pride in their boss and an attempt to inflate his ego and legacy. But, it could also have come from a "crisis gone to waste" devotee, bemoaning the lost opportunity to wield ever increasing control of American citizens. Food for thought. (Hold the Swiss!)

Radicals For Rules?

What do you think of when you hear the word "radical"? Sixties radicals like Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground robbing banks, setting bombs and blowing themselves up? How about the Tea Party? Do you think Tea Partiers warrant the same designation as the Weather Underground? Some people think so. Consider, for example, just recently, an anchor at CNN referred to "Tea Party radicals".

To dimmer Left wing trolls, radical is just another pejorative, like "fascist". They don't necessarily know what the words mean, but they sound like insults when they are on the receiving end of them, so the ever "Green" Left recycles the epithets for the Right.

But, could there be an element of truth there, where both parties are correct? The key is just how you look at the word "radical". The word radical has to do with "getting to the root" of things. For those of us who still remember long division, that symbol for finding a square root, is coincidentally called the "radical sign". But what does it mean when it comes to politics? The sixties radical was typically anti-government, anti-capitalist, and anti-war, believing that the establishment was corrupt and needed to be destroyed...right down to the roots. Only then could things be rebuilt from the ground up. Perhaps, in a more egalitarian fashion?

Does that sound familiar to you? Can you think of any movement from the past few years that might apply to? How about "Occupy Wall St" and its many offspring? They were going to rebuild society, one squalid camp at a time! The solution to the disparity of income was for the poor to "eat the rich". If you wanted to live on land that didn't belong to you, well, possession is 9/10ths of the law! If there were rapes or sexual assaults, the neoanarchists of "Occupy" didn't want to involve established authority, so they formed loose knit bands of guards and vigilantes to try to keep order in the new World Order. They weren't very good at curbing theft, either, as people were surprised (stop laughing!) to find their laptops and smart phones mysteriously disappearing in the midst f such a grand egalitarian company of people! They planned for communal meals, sharing with everyone of the so called 99%. Well, everyone except the ordinary bums and self admitted freeloaders who started showing up for the free lunches. Then, somehow, the splendid egalitarianists (dare I say, "communists"?) awakened to the harsh light of reality and folded their tents. If you saw the photos of any of those camps when they finally "Moved On", though, you can see that they did a pretty darn good job of destroying those parks right down to the roots! Say what you will about those guys, but no one could poop on a cop car like they could!

However, there is another sense to the word radical. Yes, it can be applied to those who want to destroy everything down to the root in order to build something else in its place, but it can also carry with it the sense of foundational beliefs, getting down to basics as it were, getting down to the roots of a Constitutional government. Constitutional 'radicals' do not want to tear down or abandon the rule of law, as does the anarchist, but seek to conform the law to its founding document. To repair and rebuild the foundation, as it were, so that the structure will continue to stand for generations yet unborn.

The Constitution is the root and foundation of our Constitutional government. The peaceful, generally law abiding people of the Tea Party want to see the Constitution re-established as the foundation and cornerstone of our Republic. Returning the country to its Constitutional roots is considered radical by some.

The primary differences are in the means that each group will use to achieve the end they hope to achieve. The literal bomb throwers and anarchistic Molotov cocktail makers of the sixties have moved into government and academia. Not surprisingly, they are big fans of the ends justifying the means. The law abiding 'radicals' of the Tea Party, on the other hand, constrain themselves to lawful means. It may put them for a time at a disadvantage, but by no means counts them out.

Calling a conservative a 'radical' is not necessarily an insult. Calling a progressive a 'radical' is definitely not a compliment.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Know Thy Enemy: Government Shutdown

So we’re still in a government shutdown and everyone is like, “What’s happening? Will we survive? What’s going on? How’d you get in my house?” Well, no worries; I sent my crack research staff to find out all they can about a government shutdown.
* A government shutdown is created by the combination of a government and a shutdown.
* Government shutdowns happen when Congress forgets to mail out the monthly bill for the government. They’ll often get a late notice, but because of partisan bickering, everyone is like, “Hey, I thought it was your job to mail in the check!” and then no one does it and the government is shut down.
* When the shutdown happens, old man Cruthers kicks Congress out of the Capitol for not paying him his rent. Congress then has to do all legislative action from the local Denny’s.
* While Congress is out of the Capitol, it’s usually converted back to its original function — whore house — which is sort of a lateral move.
* A good sign the government has shutdown will be seeing a pantsless Biden wandering around shouting, “Who dress me?” No, wait, that just means it’s Tuesday.
* During a shutdown, all national parks and monuments are closed. And you can’t even look at them during a shutdown because of a gypsy curse which was put on all national parks because of how we celebrate the opening of each park by murdering gypsies.
* During a shutdown, furloughed bureaucrats wander the streets just randomly interfering with things.
* There’s only one other government shutdown recorded in history and it was for the city of Atlantis. No one is sure what happened afterwards.
* We’re not completely out of government during a government shutdown because we always store some emergency government in our government reserves. There’s enough government there to keep anything useful happening for weeks.
* You may notice that during a government shutdown, the government doesn’t actually disappear but just gets a lot whinier.
* Most people will probably be unaffected by the government shutdown, but those affected most will be political humor writers who need the government running so they can make fun of it. Tip jar is on the left sidebar.
* During a shutdown, all non-essential government functions are shutdown, which is everything except for that guy in an underground bunker who hits a button every 108 minutes.
* In a fight between Aquaman and a government shutdown, Aquaman would help both sides come to conclusion that satisfies everyone. Everyone loves and respects Aquaman.
* The government shutdown is the perfect time to plot a caper to steal the Hope Diamond from the Smithsonian. I’ll need 10 more people who have diverse skills and personalities; who’s interested?
* If you find yourself in the midst of a government shutdown, don’t panic. In fact, don’t do anything. Who cares really?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Yeah … plenty to say about this.  Here are some points:
  • First, it is NOT a government shutdown.  The government is still operating.  It is a partial shutdown of non-essential government functions. 
  • Blame the Republicans?  Well sure!  That’s what the media is doing, and that is what 0bama and the Democrats knew the media would do.  Never a doubt. 
  • There is a reason we have a Senate, a House of Representatives and an Executive Department.  There’s a reason we have three distinct branches of government (well, four … if you count the media.)  It’s called checks and balances.  Perhaps Herman’s listeners will learn something about this.
  • Government workers who are furloughed will not lose any money.  Yes, they may be going without paychecks right now.  Many of them are working on other projects.  Some have actually engaged in other money-making activities.  But they WILL eventually be paid for this time they are NOT working.
  • It may come as a surprise to some, but the purpose of government is not to provide jobs for government workers.  We don’t pay taxes in order to provide jobs for government workers.  You are not going to get any sympathy from me – or from other clear-thinking Americans – by pissing and moaning all over my radio and TV about the money these workers are supposedly losing during this partial shutdown.
  • Who gets to decide what government functions are curtailed during this budget impass?  The president, that’s who.
  • In previous shutdowns .. the 1995 shutdown, for instance .. memorials in Washington were not shut down.  They were not closed.  This time they were.  Why?  A National Park Service Spokesman says they were closed at the specific direction of the White House.  Now when I get to talking about this today … well, this is where I stand the greatest chance of losing it and letting you know just exactly what I think about Barack Obama. 
  I have to take some comfort in this shutdown scenario believing that more Americans every day are discovering what an arrogant, narcissistic, incompetent schmuck we have in the White House.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Government Shutdown Survival Guide

Sorry it’s so late; hopefully you aren’t dead already from governmentlessness.
* First things first, make sure to find something or someone who will interfere and get in the way of everything you try to do. Needy pets and small children will work fine, but ideally you want it to be someone loud and obnoxious who is constantly pestering you.
* You’ll need someone to randomly take money from you and spend it in ways that benefit absolutely no one. This is hard for civilians to replicate. You may need the person to just burn the money — but far away from you so you don’t even get the benefit of warmth from the burning.
* Form a committee in the neighborhood whose job it is to make decisions on every little thing. No matter how small or insignificant it is, make sure it has to go through the committee first.
* Help someone else pay for credit cards they are using to pay off other credit cards.
* Have someone with no knowledge about health care or economics make decisions on your health insurance.
* Find people to yell at you and look down on you and boss you around. The key, though, is that these need to be really stupid people who ideally have no useful skills or experience whatsoever. Teenagers are a good source for this.
* Find people who aren’t working and pay them to call you a racist and extremist and to demand more money from you.
* * * *
Do all this, and it will be like the government never shutdown. Ah, the comforting feeling of my caring government kicking me in the shins.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Exemption Contention

Some say claims that Congress is exempt from Obamacare are disingenuous, and that the workaround they’re getting — employer contributions to their health care coverage — is justified, because all other employers are free to do the same for their employees.

Well, the last time I checked, I believe their employers would essentially be us taxpayers — and, unlike taxpayees, most of us in the private sector don’t get automatic cost-of-living pay increases that we must humbly vote to not accept, in order to not receive them.

That said, I think it’s time for a comparative pictorial vocabulary primer.

Today’s word is “exempt.”


So, the government is shut down?
Here’s what I don’t understand, though, and I’m hoping some of the smart people around here can explain it to me.
The government doesn’t really shut down. Some of it keeps going. I think they say “essential services” stay running, but a lot of government employees will be sent home, according to news reports:
If Congress fails to fund the federal government by Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year, the government will go into partial shutdown. Some government functions – those deemed essential – will continue as usual, while others will be suspended. If a shutdown proceeds the way it would have in 2011 (had the last funding impasse had not been resolved in time), 800,000 of 2.1 million federal employees would be furloughed.
And that’s what I don’t understand. Why is the government doing anything other than essential services in the first place? I mean, if it’s not essential, why is the government doing it?
That’s easy. Because people want you and me to pay for their stuff. It’s totally unreasonable to expect people who want things to actually go out and get a job and buy stuff, when they have the government spending other people’s money to give them things.
Now, the media is gonna play this whole thing as the mean ol’ Republicans — especially those influenced by the Evil Tea Party — not caring for women and babies and such.
But don’t blame the GOP. Or the TEA Party.
Blame me. I’d love to get credit for shutting down non-essential government services. So, if you’re one of those leeches that live off the government and you’re impacted by the shutdown of non-essential services, maybe you’re non-essential.
So go make yourself essential, grow up, and become a productive member of society.
Or be your normal self. As long as the non-essential services aren’t supplying non-essential people with non-essentials, I’m good with it.


Wow! Shutdown is worse than Sequester.
Wait. Sequester is still going on, right? So we have Sequester AND Shutdown? Arrgghh! How will we survive it?
Already, the moon broke loose from its orbit and is crashing into the sea sometime this afternoon. Plus, in case you missed it, the sun didn’t turn on this morning.
Also, iPhones aren’t working. Android phones, either. Only BlackBerry phones work during Shutdown. Who saw that coming?
Traffic lights are out. Buildings are collapsing. Breaking Bad won’t be airing. It’s pandemonium.
Worst of all, the Internetz are down, and you can’t even read this brilliant post.
What can we do?
You can’t call on the military to defend us as Shutdown roams the streets of America and destroys the pieces of our country that Sequester left standing.
We’re doomed, I tell ya. Doomed.