Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act…

… witch doctors are making a comeback.
… Canadians will choose to get their health care in Canada.
… the NSA won’t be the only agency with all my personal information.
… the only doctors in my network are Dr. Pepper, Dr. Scholl, and Doc Marten.
… Sandra Fluke can have all the sex she wants and never be punished with a baby.
… youngsters will find out what it was like for their great-grandparents growing up in the 1930s.
… we’ve learned the president can lie to us and it’s okay because it was for our own good.
… my family doctor is going back to school — he wants to learn to be a plumber.
… more Americans than ever are discovering the fun of working only part time.
… we get 16,000 new IRS agents, making health care more affordable.
… millions of health care policies are as fake as Obama’s sign language interpreter.
… my deductible will be more than the down payment on my house.
… if you liked your doctors, you’ll just have to settle for sending each of them a friend request.
… LifeLock has a whole new set of identity thieves to guard against.
… Mom can get free prostate exams.
… Dad can get free mammograms.
… Grandma can get free birth control.
… Grandpa can get free lactation counseling.
… Jimmy Carter is no longer ranked as the worst president ever.

Mother Earth is tough as nails

True or false: the earth is fragile.
Since the dawn of “Earth Day” in my high school days, liberal elites have told us that, YES, the earth is indeed very fragile.
They warned us of an impending ice age back in the seventies. Then they changed course and said that the earth is warming due to man, and that we need to cut back on all sorts of things and lower our standard of living.
Then, when studies came out that questioned if the earth is really warming at all, they changed the moniker on the crisis from “global warming” to “climate change.”
It’s really hard to keep up.
I think the question posed at the outset is an interesting one, though. Is the earth fragile or not?
We know that it has withstood repeated 13,300 15-kiloton atomic bomb explosions, or at least their equivalent, throughout history. That’s the equivalent force (200 megatons of TNT) of the bomb that leveled Hiroshima in 1945.
That’s the kind of force that has hammered this planet with the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 and  535 A.D.,  and the 1815 Tambora volcanic eruption.
Those eruptions all took place in the area of what is modern day Indonesia. If you add in eruptions in Iceland (1947) and Alaska (1912), scientists calculate that these manifestations of Mother Nature pumped more carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into our precious atmosphere than ALL of man’s activities in our ENTIRE history.
Mother Earth is one, tough mama!
In that light, it kind of makes one scratch his head and wonder if man is really responsible for the 
new ice age   global warming  climate change,
Keep in mind, there are scientists who do believe in the above, but they tend to be the ones who receive buckets of research dollars to support this environmental theology.
Other scientists are skeptical.
For example, Ivar Giaever, a 1973 Nobel Laureate for physics, questioned climate change science:
“The claim (how can you measure the average temperature of the whole earth for a whole year?) is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me . . . that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this ‘warming’ period.”
For example, Harold Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at University of California at Santa Barbara, questions climate change science. He said global warming is:
“the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.
For example, a recent peer-reviewed survey of geo scientists and engineers (earth scientists) revealed that only 36% believe that man is creating a global warming crisis.
A strong majority believe that Mother Nature is the culprit, and that any future global warming won’t cause problems.
A separate study of meteorologists produced similar results.
As I write this, global warming alarmists who are studying the melting ice caps are, guess what?, stuck in the arctic ice!
Go figure.
Do you think the earth could survive a thousand atomic bombs going off at once in the same place? Well it did. I was a kid when it happened. Yes, the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile came in at 9.5 on the Richter scale, the same force as a thousand A-bombs.
And there were similar catastrophic earthquakes in 1556 in China, in the Indian Ocean in 2004, and Japan in 2011.
I could go on and talk about asteroids that have pounded our planet; and the floods, and the hurricanes … and more that continually devastate our lovely planet. And yet Mother Earth keeps bouncing back.
Mother Earth is not fragile. In fact, as the old saying goes, our mama wears army boots!

President Obama has directly Challenged Me.

In His latest TV appearance President Obama looked right at me then challenged me to state unequivocally “What I am For.”  He told me it is “My Responsibility”.  While it’s not up to him to define what “My Responsibilities” are…  he was speaking directly to me.  He didn’t even bother to hide the messages in the commercials like he usually does. So…
Mr. President,
I am For preventing a Government Take-over of 1/6th of the American Economy with the express purpose of destroying any hope for Choice, Competition and Free-Market solutions which are not only the sole protectors of our Individual Rights but the foundation of the once freest and most prosperous country on the face of the planet.
I am For a Government which abides by the Nations Laws as written and recorded for history in the Constitution of the United States.
I am For Freedom and Liberty of the Individual just as the Founding Fathers were.
I am For every Individual’s Right to Choose what is best for them rather than other people appointing themselves the Right to Force their world view upon us.
I am For the Government staying out of the Markets because when they do intrude we get Market Distortions like Banks being Forced to Lend people money who could never pay it back… Nationalization of Car Companies… Sky Rocketing College Tuition… Bail Out’s for Wall Street… and not least being the current destruction of Health Care.
I am For not doubling, tripling and quadrupling people’s Health Care costs.
I am For the People demanding a return to the Bottom Up Government this Country was, and still is, designed to be.
I am For calling Socialism what it is. Socialism.  I’m even OK with labeling what it really is… Communism Light.
I am For the Limited Government our Founders intended and calling out those who oppose this idea as Anti-American.
I am For a population which understands the Oppression, Destruction andUltimately Death that Socialism brings to every place on Earth it finds support.
I am For politicians who vocalize the Suffering, Despair and Permanent Political Class all flavors of Socialism creates.
I am For not Printing Money just so you and your Ideological Ilk can Spend what we do not have.
I am For creating Private Sector Jobs by the simplest of solutions… that being getting the Government out-of-the-way.
I am For Repealing, Rolling Back and Dismantling all of the Socialist Schemes that brought us to the point.  All of them.  If we can’t do that, then Privatize them.  No exceptions.
I am For everybody having the Opportunity to follow their dreams… not you deciding who is allowed to do so and who is not.
I am For education which is honest about Statism and its demonstrable failures world over.
I am For teaching Capitalism rather than perverting it or best case omitting it all together.
I am For our representatives, especially the Chief Executive, respecting why this country was founded and what has made it great.  Then I Hope for the Change needed to return us to the shining light on the hill instead of Socialists bent on destroying it in the names of “Fairness” and “Justice” when they really mean Control.
I am For Democrats, and Many Republicans, being honest about their passionate desire to hold the Power of Force over the American People.
I am For Politicians being called out, chastised, demonized and shamed when they make televised Speeches which play on the ignorance of the American Public.
I am For Media Outlets willing to do the above.
Joe Johnson
P.S. I know, if you’re honest, you will disagree with all of these things.  I expect the IRS targeted Audit… I’m sure the NSA knows where to find me.

The Fourth Horseman

What is there to really be afraid of?
Three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been here in U.S. for decades wreaking their destruction on our Free-Market Economy.
Our politicians work very hard to not to talk about them.  Instead the focus is placed on social issues or “jobs” or any other myriad topics that serve as a distraction from our impending doom.  However, the three are simply waiting patiently for the fourth.  And he is here.
Those of you who know where I’m going have already identified Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.  These three Socialist programs have made the U.S. very sick indeed.  The destruction of wealth via the debt created to support these schemes, and the fiscal insolvency the U.S. is a breath away from, is obvious to most reasonable people… unless they are elected to public office.
Suddenly we were told the problems associated with the finest health system in the world (demonstrated by those socialists with enough money to come here for medical attention doing so)  can only be fixed through government control.  A communal approach where the “state” will be the provider of health care to those less fortunate.  Nevermind that those less fortunate regularly receive better care in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world.  Stop thinking!  It’s caring that counts and if you oppose big government controlling your life your mean-spirited.  This has been a dream of the Socialist Party since Woodrow Wilson,  Norman Thomas and FDR.
With the addition of Socialized Medicine to the other three Progressive Utopian programs, the incremental Socialists will have won the war.  And they know it.  This is why the Left has rallied every effort to drag out, slow down or ignore any opposition to a single payer system… while we dither it grows.  Implementation is the key to this rider’s success.  All of the debates, all the equivocations; this part is “good”, this part is “bad” is simply allowing for the building of greater dependency and ultimate “entitlement” status.  From this grand scheme born out of “the best of intentions” will come the final push over the cliff of fiscal insolvency leaving the U.S. to be rebuilt by the very social engineers promoting it.   And, free market capitalism is not in the plans.
In my opinion, to deny this is to deny that we are in trouble.  It is a hard argument to offer that we are not… but many for various reasons still try.  If you recognize the situation for what it is and then refuse to acknowledge the incredible inefficiency associated with everything government does, the waste, fraud and incompetence which go hand in hand with statist programs then you’re naive or you must intend to mislead the American people.  There are many politicians currently in office resembling the latter.
Government controlled medicine is being pushed vigorously by two kinds of the above mentioned politicians; those true believers that capitalism needs to be destroyed and/or those that think they will be long gone by the time it all comes crashing down.  Both think you will continue to vote for them while being dumb enough to believe them when they apologize saying they were “just trying to do the right thing.”  Unfortunately for the rest of us experience has taught them they’re correct.
(Most of us don’t want to assign ill intent… But let me ask you, how do you come to any conclusion other than it is intentional?  How can you think that the people driving us over the cliff don’t intend to do so when politicians unconstitutionally “invest” your social security money, with the best of intentions,  in companies doomed to fail?  Or, just spend it to buy votes… period.  I can hear you saying “Grow up, they all lie, it’s just politics!”  For you, let me point out that they all lie because you and the rest of us allow it… and your cynicism without action is a weak attempt to make yourself feel informed without being informed, while expending no energy to do anything substantive.  You are part of the problem.  You are part of the reason we are here.)
It’s our job to stop freedom destroying, innovation killing, fiscally irresponsible, anti-capitalist ideas like Socialized Medicine.
It is our job to vote out those politicians who support such ideas.

Best and Worst of 2013

2013 sucked.
Okay, there were some good things in the year, but overall, it wasn’t a great year. It was a bad year for many people.
I’d like to ask what, in your opinion, was the best and the worst of 2013.
Let me offer a couple of things.
Obamacare. And that’s one of the best. No, not Obamacare in and of itself. That was way up near the top of the list for the worst. But, the fact that people finally understood what conservatives such as I have been saying all along: Obama and the Democrats are completely incompetent, can’t be trusted, and will screw up anything they get near. Obamacare is such a massive fail, that even some of the idiots in my family that voted for that jackass have even come to doubt things. Not completely, since, as I said, some of them are idiots, but it’s a start.
Anyway, the reaction to Obamacare is a good thing. It gives me a slim hope that people will understand that Democrats are to be avoided like the plague.
Worst of 2013? Well, on a personal level, it’s the split. I haven’t spoken much about it, but these things happen. Always puts a crimp in the finances, which is difficult when the economy is good, and really difficult when we’re in the 5th year of Obama screwing things up. Oh, well. Stuff happens. It’s not the first time I’ve been through this. Besides, I really don’t want to talk about it.
How about you? What, to you, are the best and worst things of 2013?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Fibber McPOTUS' Closet

We take you now, back to the days of yesteryear, back before there was a "C" in CGI, back before there was video...back when special effects relied solely upon the theater of the mind! Once upon a time, there was a radio program called "Fibber McGee and Molly". Fibber McGee, as his name might imply, was known for his tall tales and 'face saving' lies, though none were of a magnitude with "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it"! 

There was a running gag in the show, that Fibber McGee had a closet that was stuffed to overflowing, and the poor, hapless soul who opened the door of said closet, was subject to an avalanche of junk, brick-a-bracs, pots and pans and who knows what, to come crashing down upon him, all conveyed with only the sound effects of falling objects to stir one's imagination. 

Thinking of the Fibber and his closet made me think of Obama and his Obamacare closet...once they opened the door to that "bill they had to pass to see what was in it", all kinds of garbage came crashing out. Millions of people lost affordable plans they were satisfied with, others discovered to their shock and chagrin, that their premiums would double and triple, and their deductibles would skyrocket under Obama's new "Affordable" health care. 

In the imaginary world of "Fibber" McGee, there was no clean up of the mess. It was all imaginary - sound and fury, signifying little. Much like Obama's policy pronouncements. In Obama's case, the mess is only imaginary insofar that none of the statements used to sell the program had any semblance of reality. But, the mess is real, and will likely take decades to clean up, only if we can manage to elect some honest, adult leadership who are willing to uphold the Constitution of the United States. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Several current phenomena puzzle me. Maybe some of Liberty’s readers have answers. I’ll save one puzzle about politics until the end of this Reflection.
  • BP, notorious for spilling oil in the Gulf, has been filling TV screens with ads about its concern for the region’s prosperity. According to these ads, it has installed “cutting edge” technology and a “state-of-the-art” monitoring system operating “twenty-four/seven.” How can BP and its advertising agency believe that its public image benefits from the insincerity suggested by three clichés in ten or fifteen seconds in an ad often repeated in a few minutes?
  • In its ads Winn Dixie , the grocery chain, offers reduced prices if one buys at least a specific number of specified items or spends at least a specific amount on them. To take advantage of the deal, the customer has to count which of them he really wants or is willing to stock up on and how much, in dollar terms, he wants them. This additional little complication to life often makes me omit buying the one or few specified items that I do want; I don’t want to yield to the price discrimination. Sometimes I even shop at another supermarket. My reaction may be irrational in the most narrowly economic sense, but I think it is human. I wonder how common such reactions are and whether Winn Dixie takes them into account.
  • Charities often send out personalized return-address stickers, presumably to put recipients on a guilt trip if they do not contribute. Almost without exception these stickers put a title before the name — in my case r “Mr.” Don’t these fund-raisers realize that it is bad form (except perhaps for a physician) to refer to oneself with a title? The name alone is better.
  • Expressing my next puzzle might seem to be a complaint about other people. It is not; I am genuinely curious. Why do so many people want almost continuous contact with one another, as by cellphone, texting, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media? Myself, I do not want to send or receive hourly or daily bulletins about the trivia of everyday life, not even to or from close friends. I understand that the social media are useful in coordinating revolutions, but what accounts for their popularity in the United States?
  • Whatever became of the half-dollar? Why is the quarter the largest denomination of coin routinely circulating in the United States?
  • Why does bitcoin, the digital currency, receive the respect it does in the popular press? A full-fledged currency must maintain a reasonably stable and predictable value, at least over the time between a holder’s receiving it and paying it out in transactions. Bitcoin’s value, however, has been monstrously unstable, ranging from $13.50 in January 2013 to $782 in mid-November, then falling back. How could people confidently use such a currency for pricing and regular transactions, let alone for long-term or even short-termloans? A sound money derives a determinate value either by linkage to some commodity like gold or by regulation of its quantity with some attention for the demand to hold it. Bitcoin, however, is created in a decentralized and capricious way as the reward for solving difficult mathematical problems requiring much expensive computer time; the problems become more and more challenging so as supposedly to put a ceiling of 21 million on the total issue. The system lacks the transparency required for a sound currency of determinate value.

    Its wide fluctuations do give bitcoin an appeal for speculators. Yet for anyone interested in a nongovernmental currency that performs all the functions of a normal money and that, moreover, allows a high degree of anonymity in transactions, ideas for reform must run along other lines. Bitcoin remains a puzzling distraction.
  • My last puzzle centers on a fund-raising letter from Speaker John Boehner enclosing a purported survey of opinion. The questions are slanted to draw desired answers. The phoniness of the whole business is epitomized by the date on Boehner’s letter, “Monday morning” — nothing more. (I received the letter and survey on Monday afternoon, November 18.) Many such appeals — complete with the provocative phony dating — have arrived in my mailbox from Republican politicians over the years; I wonder what the Democrats send out. Anyway, how can anyone believe that such phoniness attracts rather than repels voters and contributors?

Duck Dynasty, Phil Robertson - Behind the Outrage

Do I really need to say anything about Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty?  You all already know how I feel.  To be honest with you, I never have even watched a full show.  I tried once, but it just didn’t click with me, although, now, I’m thinking about giving it another chance.

I have two questions - 1) What is with this outpouring of support for homosexuals?  2) Why is it more important to support homosexuals than to support a man’s right to voice his opinions?

Let’s see if we can figure this out, and we will start by asking another question.  Is homosexuality natural?  Well it either is or it isn’t, but since it exists, it doesn’t really matter.  The more important question is:  Is the reaction most people have toward it, natural?  

Remember when you first found out about it?  I do, and I will describe my reaction as “horrified disbelief”.  That’s stage one.  Stage one sucks.  Up until then, all that mattered to you was, buying that used mini-bike you had been saving up for, how your Little League team was doing, what was happening on the TV show, “The Six Million Dollar Man”, and would you be caught for stealing that scrap lumber from that construction site.   Life was simple and good, and nothing that you dealt with in your life, was beyond your understanding.

Then came stage one.  You heard about it from a friend who always seemed to be more world-wise than you.  He probably found out about it from an older brother, who was already in high school, and, now he wants to be on the other end of stage one, and wants to see the look on your face when you experience the horrified disbelief.  He takes on the role of perpetrator and passes the status of victimhood on to you.  Of course, it doesn’t stop there.  You go on to the next lower guy on the food chain of street smarts and coolness, and pass the information on to him.  It’s a verbal chain letter of horror, that repeats itself over and over, until everyone within your circle of friends knows about it.  Each kid gets the same feeling you got when riding in the family car as it drove past a fatal accident.  It’s a terrible thing to experience, but as miles and time separate you from the initial shock, you begin to come to terms with it, but you never forget, and from then on, life was different somehow.

A few days later, you’re hanging out with your friends, and someone calls someone else a homo.  There’s nothing new there, you had always called each other fairies, fags, and homos, only now, you know what it means.  Then you start thinking, and you suddenly realize what the adults you recently overheard, were talking about.  Jokes, you didn’t understand before, are now funny.  This is stage two.  Stage two is awesome.  That’s when you laugh at 100 year old jokes that everyone else has heard, and you when call everyone (especially your friends), fairies, homos, and fags, you not only get the satisfaction of insulting them, you get to have that little extra laugh too.

My most valuable experience of going to college was meeting people from all over the state, even the country, and finding out that almost every American male’s childhood experience was similar to mine.  Everyone had the same stories, which eliminated an uneasy feeling I had, that I grew up in a weird environment.  The things that I experienced were more or less universal, so I am quite confident when I say that the reaction that most people have towards homosexuality is totally natural.

So if what I said above is true (and I assure you it is), how did we get to the point of this whole Phil Robertson/“Duck Dynasty” thing?  The thing you need to understand is that this is the world of television, it’s not the real world.  The real world is blue collar factory guys, construction workers, and white collar workers (when they think their free from the spying eyes and ears of corporate culture).  They’re all calling everybody fairies, homos, and fags, all the time.  Stage two never ends in the real world.  No one planned the real world, it just happened, what could be more natural than that?

It has been proven time and time again, from the smallest hippie communes, to leviathan nations, like the Soviet Union, that leftist ideology does not work in the real world, so liberals have created their own worlds, that are not dictated by the things that control the real world, things that they find so distasteful - supply and demand, cause and effect, etc.  There are two problems with this however.  First of all, they cannot produce wealth by themselves.  They are totally dependent upon money from the outside, real world, as the people running the A&E network are about to find out.  Secondly, since these people do not live in the real world, they often end up looking like fools to those of us who do.  Now, they can say they don’t care about that, but because they are totally dependent upon the real world for their own existence, it cannot be ignored.

Now how could so many people be upset with Phil Robertson, or with anyone else that has been the focus of a similar situation ?  Something just strikes me as weird here.  I could maybe understand how people who are actually gay could be upset with him, but there are just not enough gay people out there to warrant such an uproar.  How many gay people are out there anyway?

Even the people that support the gay agenda only claim that it is 1 in 10, and that’s the highest ratio you are going to see.  Now the first thing people often do, in some lame attempt to give themselves some credibility when talking about some other group of people, is to mention the fact that they have friends that belong to that particular group.  Sometimes they are even “best” friends.  “I have a lot of gay friends.” or “Some of my best friends are black.”  These phrases have been so overused that both liberals and conservatives now automatically reject them as lies, as soon as they are uttered.  

I’ll be honest.  I don’t have a gob of gay friends but I accept their choices.  That’s gotta count for something, right?
Bob’s a fag, because he can’t lift a big log onto the log splitter.
Jerry’s a homo because his truck is only a two-wheel-drive.
Dave’s a fairy because he has a $60,000 BMW, but doesn’t have
any tools.

Let’s assume that it is 1 in 10. How is just a fraction of that 10% of the population that took the time and effort to get upset over what Robertson said, able to cause him to get fired?  Is it because there are so many heterosexual people out there that support the homosexual agenda?  I doubt it, and I’ll tell you why.

It’s just about impossible to get people to take the time and effort to support causes that directly affect them, let alone some group that they are not part of.  The percentage of income and property taxpayers is much higher than ten percent, yet how many people show up anti-tax rallies, school board meetings, or anything else where the influence of a large number of people might actually have a positive effect?  It’s difficult to even get people to look at the big picture, and vote in their self interests.

Some people would have you believe that Robertson was fired because of his “intolerant” views, but we all know that is crap because that means that the very same people in favor of his dismissal are equally intolerant of Christian views.  Tolerance has nothing to do with this.

What it is, is this, and by now, if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you already know what I am going to blame all this ridiculousness upon - Liberalism.  You got two different forces of liberalism at work here.  The first, I already mentioned.  Television and major media is an artificial liberal world, and much of this “outrage” is artificial as well.

We all know where the people from TV land are coming from, now what about the liberals in the general public?  What’s their motivation?  Given the choice to support either, why would they choose to support homosexuality over Christianity, when often they would claim to be neither?  To understand this, all you have to do is recall your days in school.  Almost all students would rather be graded on a curve than on an absolute scale, particularly if they consider themselves average, and know there are plenty of below average students in the class.  In that case, grading on a curve, can mean the difference between a “B” and a “D”.

Liberalism is grading on a curve.  Christianity is grading on an absolute scale, and liberals don’t like that because it means if you’re doing something wrong, it’s wrong, regardless of the fact that there may be people doing things that are worse than whatever it is that you are doing.

Liberal, secular people have an incentive to, if not endorse honosexualality, at least tolerate it, even if they are not homosexuals themselves.  If you were to look at the spectrum of all types of human behavior (at least from a traditional standpoint), homosexuality would fall somewhere in the middle.  Almost anyone would agree that there are some behaviors that are better, and some that are worse.  Let’s look at some of the behaviors that Robertson mentioned.

"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men…Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

All of the behaviors Robertson mentioned fall somewhere between these the two extremes at either end of the spectrum.  The exact order of these behaviors and exactly where homosexuality falls on it, is not as important as the point of acceptance by the general public.  The important thing to secular liberals, is to move that point further towards the left on this scale.

Years ago that point was further to the right.  Back then, the idolaters and drunkards were shunned by society.  Today, they don’t even make it onto most people’s radar screens.  Moving that arrow to the left is good for them, because now most all criticism is directed towards behaviors that fall further towards the left.  Anyone participating in behaviors that are more deviant than homosexuality are better off too, because now they are just that much closer to the point of acceptance of the general public. Bestiality is no longer illegal in Germany.  It is clear that the push for public acceptance of homosexuality is not primarily made up of homosexuals, or people concerned only with “Gay Rights”.

Like so many other liberal, secular causes, Gay Rights is merely a vehicle to push some other, much more evil agenda.  Very few people, including most Christians, ever had much of a problem with homosexuality anyway.  What they had a problem with was, people acting obnoxiously, and I can prove it.  

There are two components that most people associate with being gay. 1) The actual homosexual activity, and 2) acting faggy.  I’m here to tell you that most people have a much bigger problem with number 2 than number one.  Did you ever find out that someone (like a former co-worker) that you used to know was gay?  Your reaction was probably one of surprise, and you find yourself saying something like “Well he always seemed like a nice guy to me, I never had any problem with him.”  That’s because most gays never practice item number one in front of everyone, and that’s why you never knew that that former co-worker was gay.  Most people would rather not see any sexual practice displayed in public, homo or heterosexual. People frown upon that, and it is one of the reasons why we have rules against any type of sexual behavior in the workplace.

Item number two is what people have a problem with, and that has nothing to do with homosexuality.  The co-worker that you knew was a heterosexual, but acted like a sissy, you hated from day one, and no one had to tell you he was a sissy.  You immediately found that out by yourself.  If all gay men acted with the same standards of decorum that heterosexual people are supposed to live up to, the issue of homosexuality would hardly ever be brought up by either those who accept it, or those who are against it.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Crazy Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories!

All this talk about Obama Care being a plan to move the United States into Socialized Medicine is ridiculous.
In fact, it is just another… how do I put it… Crazy Conspiracy Theory.
This accusation comes from the factory of idiocy we know as the Conservative Right… the Tin Foil Hat wearing Black Helicopter Crowd.
Disagree?  Let me prove it with a quick review of Foolish Thought and Conspiracy Obsession from these Paranoid Jack-Asses that has simmered in their Mentally Ill minds for the just the last couple of decades.
1. The Government is listening to your phone calls, reading your email and tracking your location using cell phone towers.
2. The IRS targets its political enemies.
3. The Government has sold guns to Mexican Drug Cartels.
4. The Government makes up stuff when they’re caught letting Diplomats die in the line of duty.
5. Voter fraud and intimidation exists.
6. The Government is trying to create a Domestic, Federally Controlled, Police Force.
7. The Government wants to Control what you eat.
8. The Government wants to Control your Speech, if they disagree with it.
9.  The Government can turn your computer’s camera, and microphone, on and watch/listen to you without you knowing it.
10.  The Government is in bed with Google and Microsoft so they can track what you search and read.
11.  The Government secretly has Computer Companies build in “back doors” so they can gain access to everybody’s stuff without permission.
12.  The Government doesn’t need warrants to spy on, arrest and ultimately jail American Citizens.
13.  The Government kills American Citizens using Drones.
14.  The Government Wastes your taxpayer dollars.
15.  The Government takes a picture of every piece of regular mail you send.
16.  The Government tracks your credit card purchases.
17.  The Government wants to put Black Boxes in your car which record your driving habits, distances and location.
18.  The Government rewards private businesses for doing what they want them to do.
19.  The Government controls the banking Industry and has crafted easy access to your bank accounts.
20.  The Government forced Banks to Lend money to people they knew could never pay it back causing an U.S. Economic Collapse.
21.  The President of The United States believes in Socialist Redistribution and feels The Government should use its power to ”Spread the Wealth Around”.
It’s all Hogwash!
Every single Educated, Reasonable and Rational Person sees how absolutely stupid all the above Conspiracies are.  Only the most ignorant among us would believe anything like these things could happen.  Certainly nothing like these above things could occur in a free country limited by a well crafted and strictly adhered to Constitution.  The Unwashed Masses do more harm to the Progressive Future of this country than they can possibly understand.
Their attempt to lump Obama Care into this mix of insanity is just another example of how dangerous these people are.  Associating it with Single Payer Health Care… an idea Cuba, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea do very well by the way… is just over the top!  It’s Outrageous!  It’s Inconceivable.
These Right-Wing, Republican, TEA bagging Conservative Ass-Hats should all be put in jail on an island somewhere!  May be someone could think of a final solution to remove these horrible people from civilized society.  A deep dark, extremely hot, hole could be a start!  Whatever it takes!
These people are Insane!
I vote we start right away… the sooner the better.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I’ve Done Nothing Wrong

I should not need Subsidies or Exemptions, anymore than I need a stay of execution or a pardon.
Why do we sit back and accept, no… empower Government and those who occupy it with the control they so deeply desire.
Obama Care must be Repealed… not “fixed”, “tweaked”, “twerked”, “massaged” or anything else.
We can solve all of these problems by getting rid of this POS legislation. By doing so none of us will be left begging for a subsidy or exemption. Both of which, by the way, are Temporary in nature and exist at the Benevolence of Government… and those who occupy it.
Stop accepting that the Government has a Right to Power and Control over you.
Stop it, stop it, stop it.
We are the only country on Earth designed (while not currently practiced) as a Bottom Up Government… not the other way around. It was born out of the Enlightenment, appropriately.
You must ask yourself why those in power would wish to change it into something else… something else mimicking all the other tired, worn out, oppressive designs found across the world.
Simply stated, it keeps them in power… and you dependent, reliant, enslaved.
All I have ever advocated is a return to the framework of the Enlightened Brilliance embodied in The United States Constitution. It would initially be very disruptive as we have wandered far, far off course onto a dark Statist path. It would make many leaders very, very unhappy as they have built their Power and Influence on Statist Control and Policies. But our Freedom would be restored. Our Liberty refreshed.
It starts here with Obama Care.
It’s as Simple as that.