Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Fourth Horseman

What is there to really be afraid of?
Three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been here in U.S. for decades wreaking their destruction on our Free-Market Economy.
Our politicians work very hard to not to talk about them.  Instead the focus is placed on social issues or “jobs” or any other myriad topics that serve as a distraction from our impending doom.  However, the three are simply waiting patiently for the fourth.  And he is here.
Those of you who know where I’m going have already identified Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.  These three Socialist programs have made the U.S. very sick indeed.  The destruction of wealth via the debt created to support these schemes, and the fiscal insolvency the U.S. is a breath away from, is obvious to most reasonable people… unless they are elected to public office.
Suddenly we were told the problems associated with the finest health system in the world (demonstrated by those socialists with enough money to come here for medical attention doing so)  can only be fixed through government control.  A communal approach where the “state” will be the provider of health care to those less fortunate.  Nevermind that those less fortunate regularly receive better care in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world.  Stop thinking!  It’s caring that counts and if you oppose big government controlling your life your mean-spirited.  This has been a dream of the Socialist Party since Woodrow Wilson,  Norman Thomas and FDR.
With the addition of Socialized Medicine to the other three Progressive Utopian programs, the incremental Socialists will have won the war.  And they know it.  This is why the Left has rallied every effort to drag out, slow down or ignore any opposition to a single payer system… while we dither it grows.  Implementation is the key to this rider’s success.  All of the debates, all the equivocations; this part is “good”, this part is “bad” is simply allowing for the building of greater dependency and ultimate “entitlement” status.  From this grand scheme born out of “the best of intentions” will come the final push over the cliff of fiscal insolvency leaving the U.S. to be rebuilt by the very social engineers promoting it.   And, free market capitalism is not in the plans.
In my opinion, to deny this is to deny that we are in trouble.  It is a hard argument to offer that we are not… but many for various reasons still try.  If you recognize the situation for what it is and then refuse to acknowledge the incredible inefficiency associated with everything government does, the waste, fraud and incompetence which go hand in hand with statist programs then you’re naive or you must intend to mislead the American people.  There are many politicians currently in office resembling the latter.
Government controlled medicine is being pushed vigorously by two kinds of the above mentioned politicians; those true believers that capitalism needs to be destroyed and/or those that think they will be long gone by the time it all comes crashing down.  Both think you will continue to vote for them while being dumb enough to believe them when they apologize saying they were “just trying to do the right thing.”  Unfortunately for the rest of us experience has taught them they’re correct.
(Most of us don’t want to assign ill intent… But let me ask you, how do you come to any conclusion other than it is intentional?  How can you think that the people driving us over the cliff don’t intend to do so when politicians unconstitutionally “invest” your social security money, with the best of intentions,  in companies doomed to fail?  Or, just spend it to buy votes… period.  I can hear you saying “Grow up, they all lie, it’s just politics!”  For you, let me point out that they all lie because you and the rest of us allow it… and your cynicism without action is a weak attempt to make yourself feel informed without being informed, while expending no energy to do anything substantive.  You are part of the problem.  You are part of the reason we are here.)
It’s our job to stop freedom destroying, innovation killing, fiscally irresponsible, anti-capitalist ideas like Socialized Medicine.
It is our job to vote out those politicians who support such ideas.

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