Friday, December 27, 2013

Crazy Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories!

All this talk about Obama Care being a plan to move the United States into Socialized Medicine is ridiculous.
In fact, it is just another… how do I put it… Crazy Conspiracy Theory.
This accusation comes from the factory of idiocy we know as the Conservative Right… the Tin Foil Hat wearing Black Helicopter Crowd.
Disagree?  Let me prove it with a quick review of Foolish Thought and Conspiracy Obsession from these Paranoid Jack-Asses that has simmered in their Mentally Ill minds for the just the last couple of decades.
1. The Government is listening to your phone calls, reading your email and tracking your location using cell phone towers.
2. The IRS targets its political enemies.
3. The Government has sold guns to Mexican Drug Cartels.
4. The Government makes up stuff when they’re caught letting Diplomats die in the line of duty.
5. Voter fraud and intimidation exists.
6. The Government is trying to create a Domestic, Federally Controlled, Police Force.
7. The Government wants to Control what you eat.
8. The Government wants to Control your Speech, if they disagree with it.
9.  The Government can turn your computer’s camera, and microphone, on and watch/listen to you without you knowing it.
10.  The Government is in bed with Google and Microsoft so they can track what you search and read.
11.  The Government secretly has Computer Companies build in “back doors” so they can gain access to everybody’s stuff without permission.
12.  The Government doesn’t need warrants to spy on, arrest and ultimately jail American Citizens.
13.  The Government kills American Citizens using Drones.
14.  The Government Wastes your taxpayer dollars.
15.  The Government takes a picture of every piece of regular mail you send.
16.  The Government tracks your credit card purchases.
17.  The Government wants to put Black Boxes in your car which record your driving habits, distances and location.
18.  The Government rewards private businesses for doing what they want them to do.
19.  The Government controls the banking Industry and has crafted easy access to your bank accounts.
20.  The Government forced Banks to Lend money to people they knew could never pay it back causing an U.S. Economic Collapse.
21.  The President of The United States believes in Socialist Redistribution and feels The Government should use its power to ”Spread the Wealth Around”.
It’s all Hogwash!
Every single Educated, Reasonable and Rational Person sees how absolutely stupid all the above Conspiracies are.  Only the most ignorant among us would believe anything like these things could happen.  Certainly nothing like these above things could occur in a free country limited by a well crafted and strictly adhered to Constitution.  The Unwashed Masses do more harm to the Progressive Future of this country than they can possibly understand.
Their attempt to lump Obama Care into this mix of insanity is just another example of how dangerous these people are.  Associating it with Single Payer Health Care… an idea Cuba, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea do very well by the way… is just over the top!  It’s Outrageous!  It’s Inconceivable.
These Right-Wing, Republican, TEA bagging Conservative Ass-Hats should all be put in jail on an island somewhere!  May be someone could think of a final solution to remove these horrible people from civilized society.  A deep dark, extremely hot, hole could be a start!  Whatever it takes!
These people are Insane!
I vote we start right away… the sooner the better.

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